Sunday, March 04, 2007

Too cool for school

In case you did not know, I have a very cool husband. Strange, weird, and some might even say off-putting, but definitely cool. And it's officially not just me who thinks so.

Someone not related to either Richard or I actually auctioned off a kickball t-shirt autographed by Richard. And there were several bids. I'm not at all kidding. And someone is actually going to pay $10.50 for the privilege of owning said autograph. Apparently, my husband, he's a star.

And soon, you too could have the privilege of owning your own Richard Manfredi autograph, just by joining the official Awesome Helicopter Ninja Fanclub, the Army of Awesomeness. You know you want to join.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You *and* your husband are very cool!

Also? I need to join the AHN Fan Club, like, NOW. ;)